At home sick today. Yuck. But that's besides the point right now. Today's word is polygamy. What a doozie. I'm not even really sure what to say about it, or maybe I have too much to say about it. The ironic part of this (this thing seems to be filled to the brim with irony) is that I just spent an hour on the couch reading Charles Bukowski and Henry Miller, who really are the quintessential (sp?) polygamists, or the quintessential literary polygamists, I suppose. Let me whip something up. This is going to be hard.
I'm back after my day of yuck sickness. Apparently, I was wrong yesterday when I referred to Bukowski and Miller as literary polygamists. According to Wikipedia, "Polygamy is usually used to refer to multiple marriage, while polyamory implies a relationship defined by negotiation between its members rather than cultural norms." Literary polyamorists is more like it. It's funny how monogamy is used to describe married and non-married relationships with two committed people. Should we be referring to them as monogamorists instead? I like it, just because the root wood is amor. Makes it sound a little more romantic.
Last night while thinking of polygamy, I ended up just posting a picture of a pen and ink drawing I did of two scantily clad lovers in bed. There's only two of them though. So I guess that doesn't work. I also thought up a character named Polly Gamy who's sort of an updated version of Polly Styrene except with a lot of husbands. Maybe her husbands can all have quirky/obnoxious names too like Tux Edo and she can have a female lover name Jela See. Eeer, that's lame
I also sat down with a pencil and paper last night and tried to draw polygamy. It's harder than it sounds, believe me. I got sidetracked and drew a picture of a creature with a woman's body and an alligator's head spitting a heart out her mouth. Next to her I wrote, "Bouncy, bouncy bally. Lost the head of my dolly." Any ideas on how this may relate to polygamy (because it beats the shit outta me)?
Tux Edo: Polly, do you want a cracker?
Polly Gamy: I do, I do, I do.
Jela See: Polly, do you want to be my wife?
Polly Gamy: I do, I do, I do.
Tux Edo: Polly, do you want a nice house?
Polly Gamy: I do. Can I have two?
Jela See: Isn't one enough?
Polly Gamy: No.
Tux Edo: How about three?
Polly Gamy: I do, I do, I do.
--what little Mormon girls sing when they play jump rope.
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